Who's afraid of Baroque?


Who's afraid of Baroque? Definitely a curious title, "borrowed" from the famous play by E. Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf".
Who's afraid of Baroque? is not a concert or even a theatrical performance but an unusual and funny split into the italian music and culture of the seventeenth century. A continuous dialogue between ancient and modern, a sophisticated play of fusion, designed to range between jazz improvisation and the art of diminution between jokes of the Commedia dell'Arte and swing moods.
Claudio Borgianni draws freely from the literary and musical repertoire of the seventeenth century, dismembering, deforming , and finally reassembling order to plot the points of continuity that connect us to the world so far. Vincenzo Capezzuto, a multi-talented artist and peculiar voice with a rare and undefined textiture, previously principal dancer, is "the voice and body" of this project, poised between the music of the courts and the music of the streets.
Who's afraid of Baroque? involves the public in the magical atmosphere of emotions, leading it to the discovery of a century so far and complex to reveal itself to our senses in all its extraordinary and simple modernity.
from 22/10/2017 to 22/10/2017 hour 20.30
Associazione Soqquadro Italiano
Address: Via Bruno Monterumici 3
40133 BOLOGNA (BO)
Telephone: +39 34701237262
Email: info@soqquadroitaliano.it
Web Site:http://www.soqquadroitaliano.it