"How Strange To Be Named Federico" by Ettore Scola


Scola narrates Fellini

The film is made by memories, fragments, moments and different impressions, some of them reconstructed and filmed in Cinecittà, others repertoire materials from Teche RAI and Istituto Luce. Based on Scola’s personal memories, the movie narrates in particular Fellini’s early career: his arrival in Rome, the beginning as a cartoonist in the magazine Marc’Aurelio (where Fellini and Scola met), his arrival in the film industry as screenwriter. From his debut as sketcher in 1930 to his fifth Oscar in 1933, Fellini is remembered by Scola as a big Pinocchio who luckily never became “a respectable child”.
The impressionistic style of storytelling calls to mind Fellini’s sense of fantasy and affection for humanity.


from 14/10/2017 to 14/10/2017 hour 19.00
How Strange To Be Named Federico
Directed by: Ettore Scola
Screenplay: Ettore Scola, Silvia Scola, Paola Scola
Editing: Raimondo Crociani
Cinematography: Luciano Tovoli
Music: Andrea Guerra
Cast: Tommaso Lazotti, Ernesto D’Argenio, Giulio Forges Davanzati, Tommaso Lazotti, Maurizio De Santis
I, 2013
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles
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