J.F. Handel - Giulio Cesare in Egitto


Lawrence Zazzo Julius Caesar
Emoke Baráth Cleopatra
Delphine Galou Cornelia
Julie Boulianne Sesto
Filippo Mineccia Tolomeo
Riccardo Novaro Achilla

Accademia Bizantina
Ottavio Dantone – harpsichord and conduction

The arias of “Giulio Cesare in Egitto” by Handel and paradigm of the opera seria of the eighteenth century, distil so much tenderness and love as malice, passion, sadness and despair.
They tell the story of love between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra in an atmosphere of exotic and political intrigues of a realism that can be translated to all periods of history.
from 20/10/2017 to 20/10/2017 hour 19.00
Accademia Bizantina Società Cooperativa
Address: Via di Roma 108
48121 RAVENNA (RA)
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Email: info@accademiabizantina.it
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