"Sweet Dreams" (Fai bei sogni) by Marco Bellocchio


In 1969, 9-year-old Massimo's idyllic existence vanquished with the mysterious death of his mother. Years later, he is washed with painful memories. A compassionate doctor offers to help him open up and confront his traumatic childhood. The film is rich with gentle humor, deep understanding of the human soul, and flawless performances.
from 21/10/2017 to 21/10/2017 hour 16.30
Sweet Dreams (Fai bei sogni)
Directed by Marco Bellocchio
Screenplay by Marco Bellocchio, Valia Santella, Edoardo Albinati. Based on homonymous novel by Massimo Gramellini
Cinematography Daniele Ciprì
Edited by Francesca Calvelli
Music Carlo Crivelli
Starring: Valerio Mastandrea, Bérénice Bejo; Guido Caprino; Fabrizio Gifuni; Roberto Herlitzka, Miriam Leone, Barbara Ronchi
Italy/France, 2016
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Stoccolma
Address: Gärdesgatan 14 - SE115 27 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 (0)8 - 54 58 57 60
Email: iicstoccolma@esteri.it
Web Site:http://www.iicstoccolma.esteri.it/