The Art Of Eating Well - presentation of the Polish edition of Artusi's Manual

Emilia-Romagna Region Promotional Events

on the occasion of the 2nd Annual Italian Cusine Week in the World
One of the elements which make the book Science in the Kitchen ant the Art of Eating Well truly unique is the way it is written. Artusi is witty, ironic, and always an accomplice of the reader. He “tells” his recipes, as it were, cramming them full of stories and anecdotes. Reading this book, with its vivid and colorful expressions which may be either popular or literary, is always a pleasant experience. La Scienza in cucina is a book to be used and consulted certainly, but also one to be read at leisure in the kitchen or lounge, with the lightness of those who, like Artusi, love to do things carefully but without taking themselves too seriously.

The presentation of the first complete Polish translation of Artusi's Manual opens the 2nd Annual Italian Cusine Week in the World in Warsaw.
The curators of the volume Tessa Capponi and Malgorzata Buttitta will attend.
from 20/11/2017 to 20/11/2017 hour 18.00
Regione Emilia-Romagna - Settore attività culturali all'estero
Address: Viale Aldo Moro 44
40127 BOLOGNA (BO)
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