Benvenuto Umano


CollettivO CineticO at SZENE Salzburg: a residency towards the new production
After two casting residencies in 2016 (in June at Mirabilia Festival, in Savigliano - CN, Italy -, and at Teatro Asioli, in Correggio - RE, Italy -), CollettivO CineticO will open at SZENE Salsburg its new artistic research towards Benvenuto Umano, the production that will debut in autumn 2017.
As a member of APAP-Association of Performing Arts Professionals, Italian dance company known for its research about performing and mixing media answered to SZENE Salzburg call about residency 2017, obtaining the possibility to be hosted by at SZENE studio.
It will be an intensive week of esploration and reharsals, a crucial occasion to the artistic process.

More about
Benvenuto Umano
It’s the new project 2016/17 by CollettivO cineticO.
A piece that cross-references the mysteries of Schifanoia’s paintings with the traditional Chinese medicine.
A taste for the detail that spreads in the complexity of pagan rites from different civilizations. Anatomy and astronomy, natural elements and urban perspectives in a body work that speaks a forgotten and a just invented language.

CONNECT: stomach / march / knot / bloody / alien / three miles on the legs / tag / Kenny / metal / cyclops / foreign / haruspex / weather / whale / far wide open eyes / twins / blossom / 1 liter of sweat

Benvenuto Umano
will be a full stage piece in autumn 2017.

The work has been developed in specific steps during 2016, each one with peculiar topic related to the body organs:
_Orizzontale grande site specific creation, concept and direction Francesca Pennini, action and creation Simone Arganini, Margherita Elliot, Carmine Parise, Angelo Pedroni, Francesca Pennini, Stefano Sardi, produced by Collettivo CineticO, presented during IPERCINETICA, a solo board dedicated to the company by ERT - Emilia Romagna Teatro and spread in many theatres in Bologna (Italy).
_La casa di pietra del fratello maggiore / The Stone house of the Heldest Brother itinerant site specific creation for six spectators, concept and direction Francesca Pennini, dramaturg Angelo Pedroni, performers of the company CollettivO CineticO, presented at Festival Drodesera 2016 - World Breakers, Centrale Fies - Dro (TN)
from 18/07/2017 to 25/07/2017 hour 20.30

Concept, Direction, Choreography Francesca Pennini
Dramaturgy and Shiatsu Operator Angelo Pedroni
Action and Creation Simone Arganini, Andrea Brunetto, Carmine Parise, Angelo Pedroni, Francesca Pennini, Stefano Sardi
Coproduction CollettivO CineticO, Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, Festival Città delle 100 Scale
In collaboration with Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Progetto Corpi & Visioni – promosso da Comune di Correggio supported by MiBACT e Regione Emilia-Romagna, Centrale Fies – art work space
Residencies Teatro Asioli (Progetto Corpi & Visioni), SZENE Salzburg, L’Arboreto – Teatro Dimora
Permanent residence Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

October 11th, 2017, Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

CollettivO CineticO Associazione culturale
Address: Via Barotti, 23
44124 FERRARA (FE)
Telephone: 0039 3408707677 - 0039 3396381
Web Site: