

“I can still write on love” so wrote the poet Dario Bellezza, one of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s big friend, Killed by HIV. “Orchid is the most beautiful flower but also the most black-hearted”, said a friend of mine, “because you can’t recognize the one that is real from the one that is false”.
Just like our present time.
As it happens in all my shows, there is in Orchids an attempt to define a moment I’m going through, me and my company, but also we all, Italians, Europeans, Occidentals, citizens of the world. A confused time in which I feel, we all feel, or many of us, I think, feel lost…
Orchids also comes from the great emptiness that my mother left when she had gone forever. The blank, so. Feeling no longer the son of somebody. The blank of love.
But Orchids also comes from many blanks and many abandonments. (…)
I think that Orchids is for me that vital, uncontainable need to go on talking about love in spite of everything.
Pippo Delbono
from 15/10/2016 to 16/10/2016 hour 20.00
a Pippo Delbono’s show
with Dolly Albertin, Gianluca Ballarè, Bobò, Margherita Clemente, Pippo Delbono, Ilaria Distante, Simone Goggiano, Mario Intruglio, Nelson Lariccia, Gianni Parenti, Pepe Robledo, Grazia Spinella
images Pippo Delbono
music Enzo Avitabile
lights Robert John Resteghini
technical manager Fabio Sajiz
sound Corrado Mazzone
light and video Orlando Bolognesi
costumes Elena Giampaoli
chief machinist Gianluca Bolla
production manager Alessandra Vinanti
organization Silvia Cassanelli
tour manager Raffaella Ciuffreda

debut 31st May 2013 at Teatro Comunale Luciano Pavarotti in Modena
E.R.T. - Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
Address: Via Carlo Sigonio, 50/4
41124 MODENA (MO)
Telephone: +39 059.2136011
Fax: +39.059.2138252
Email: info@emiliaromagnateatro.com
Web Site:http://www.emiliaromagnateatro.com/