"Contra Gigantes" - a Quixotic Soliloquy by Horacio Czertok


On the occasion of the English edition of his book “Teatro in esilio”, Horacio Czertok, director of Teatro Nucleo theatre company, presents "Contra Gigantes", a Quixotian Soliloquy, staged in the United Kingdom for the first time.
Czertok’s book –an autobiographical account of his theatre of open spaces, developed under conditions of political exile- has been already published in Italy by Bulzoni Editore and by Editoria&Spettacolo and in Germany by Brandes&Apsel Frankfurt with the title “Teatro Nucleo - Theater-Expeditionen zur Utopie”.
The English title is "Theatre of Exile", edited by Routledge (London-New York).
An interview with the author follows the performance.
from 10/10/2016 to 10/10/2016 hour 18.00
Teatro Nucleo
Address: via Ricostruzione, 40 - Pontelagoscuro
44123 FERRARA (FE)
Telephone: +39 0532 464091
Fax: +39 0532 464091
Email: info@teatronucleo.org
Web Site:http://www.teatronucleo.org/