The memory of the body and the song of absence - Workshop and performance


World tour 2016
The Laboratory is a path for higher education and research in the performing arts, created by Instabili Vaganti in 2012. The project is conceived by Anna Dora Dorno, director, pedagogue and actress and Nicola Pianzola, training director and actor of Instabili Vaganti. The aim is to create a permanent laboratory, source of new ideas and research processes, in order to train performers able to be involved in Instabili Vaganti’s international projects and performances. The program foresees a daily physical and vocal training through which the company will introduce the participants to the working method developed during these years thanks to the interaction with other cultures and the collaboration with international masters of theatre.
The training includes:
- the study of the space dynamics and of the perception of the time-rhythm needed for the individual and group actions composition
- the exploration of the infinite possibilities of the performer’s body and the implementation through the study of the movement qualities, the energetic spectrum, the organic way of the actions, some acrobatic elements
- the exploration of the vocal techniques in accordance with the speech and the text, the interaction with the music and the song. The aim is to develop to the maximum the expression possibilities of each single performer and to develop at the same time a collective coordination work where the group is like an unique body able to help the company in the artistic creation process. Each participant will be led by the work leaders in a research process and could interact with the artists who will be part of the various projects of the company: musicians, video makers, live media painters, stage designers. This work foresees the study of the dramaturgic composition and the montage of physical and vocal actions in which the performer could dialogue with other means of expressions as: live video, photos, artistic installations, music.
from 22/11/2016 to 30/11/2016 hour 21.00
Technical Card (pdf, 69 kb)
Workshop: from 22nd to 25th November and from 28th to 29th November.
30th November: "Riemersioni" performance with the participants to the workshop.
Emilia-Romagna Region Cultural Department
Bologna UNESCO City of Music
Italian Cultural Institute of Santiago
Italian Embassy in Santiago
Organización Capanegra
Compagnia Teatrale Instabili Vaganti
Address: Via Raffaello Sanzio 6
40133 BOLOGNA (BO)
Telephone: +39 0519911785 /+39 3491364945
Fax: +39 051 9911785
Web Site: