"The Night Porter" by Liliana Cavani


Liliana Cavani belongs to a generation of Italian filmmakers from Emilia-Romagna that came into prominence in the 1970s.
"The Night Porter" is the movie that gives her international fame. Like other works she made, it provoked strong reactions both favorable and negative in the public and criticism, due in particular to the disturbing issue of transgression here presented, when the concepts of good and evil are broken and confuse their boundaries.
At the time of the release Cavani said: “actually I was looking for an explanation of human nature ambiguity. We all are victims or murderers and we accept these roles voluntarily. Only De Sade and Dostoevskij understood it well. I felt the need to analyze the limitations of human nature to the limit of credibility. Virtue is not in first place in the world, but crime.”

The Night Porter
Directed by: Liliana Cavani
Screenplay by: Liliana Cavani, Italo Moscati, Barbara Alberti, Amedeo Pagani
Story by: Liliana Cavani, Barbara Alberti, Amedeo Pagani
Starring: Dirk Bogarde, Charlotte Rampling, Philippe Leroy
Music by: Daniele Paris
Cinematography: Alfio Contini
Italy, United States, 1974
from 04/02/2017 to 04/02/2017 hour 19.30
Liliana Cavani is born on 12 January 1933 in Carpi, near Modena.
In 2008, Emilia-Romagna Region published a monograph on the director, in the series “A Region full of Cinema”.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Stoccolma
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