

street parade

Fiesta is an itinerary performance which transforms streets into a festival of South-American flair. Drum rhythms, three-metre-long figures with faces of papier-mâché, colourful patched costumes, banners, whistles and fire: Fiesta advances, people start to follow this fantastic and jolly parade. At once, it stops: spectators form a big circle, Erendira’s admirer and a bandit are struggling and hunting each other, running, dancing and jumping acrobatically on stilts. And then it goes on, from scene to scene; in an onomatopoetic language-mix actors tell little burlesque stories, inspired by Gabriel García Márquez: a dramatic shipwreck, a turbulent rendezvous of four lovers, Erendira’s humiliation by her grand-mother.
Traditional Italian songs about love, work and rebellion are sung and accompanied by an accordion and comment on the action.

from 18/03/2017 to 18/03/2017 hour 20.00
Technical Card (pdf, 114 kb)
The show is staged on the occasion of the Global Education and Skills Forum
in collaboration with the Ministero dell'istruzione, dell'università e della ricerca
Address: Via Oberdan 9/a
48018 FAENZA (RA)
Telephone: +39 0546 622999
Fax: +39 0546 621903
Web Site: