"ll papà di Giovanna" (Giovanna’s Father) by Pupi Avati


In Bologna in the late 1930s, Michele Casali teaches design at the same institute where his daughter, Giovanna, studies. Michele is a loving and attentive father who does not recognize the mental health problems of his daughter, and cannot save her from a tragic fate when she is locked in a mental institution after killing her best friend.

Silvio Orlando awarded as Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival in 2008.
Alba Rohrwacher received the David di Donatello Award for Best Actress in 2009.
from 07/04/2017 to 07/04/2017 hour 17.00
ll papà di Giovanna (Giovanna’s Father)
Written and directed by Pupi Avati
Starring: Silvio Orlando, Francesca Neri, Alba Rohrwacher
Italy, 2008
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Chicago
Address: 500 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1450 Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA
Telephone: 001 312-822-9545
Email: iicchicago@esteri.it
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