From Monteverdi to Mina


The long journey of Italian music from 1600 to the 60’s
Claudio Monteverdi and Mina Mazzini, two completely different italian personalities and distant in time but linked by a thin "red line" that comes to us. Nearly four centuries separate the two great artists, but there are many points in common that bind them inextricably: the city of Cremona, their being revolutionary in spite of criticism, their being symbols of a new kind of show. A path in the Italian music repertoire, from the dawn of the seventeenth century up to the great boom of the 60’s song.
The unique voice of Vincenzo Capezzuto becomes the real thread of the whole concert, a voice of a rare and indefinable texture, able to take the public in this journey through far ages but unequivocally entwined. From Monteverdi to Mina is a concert of a great visionariness, we could define it as a "concerto alla bastarda", a continuous passage, a dialogue between the "world" of Mina and that one of Monteverdi. The music repertoire is constantly in motion, makes by diverse musical influences and constantly fluctuating between the music of two composers and their contemporaries.
A very special look that tries to track down those points of continuity that inevitably bind our contemporaneity and historical music to the far and near-legendary world called Baroque.
from 23/06/2017 to 23/06/2017 hour 19.30
Vincenzo Capezzuto / voice
Claudio Borgianni / artistic leader
Luciano Orologi / saxophones and clarinets
Simone Vallerotonda / theorbo, baroque guitar
Lorenzo Feder / harpsichord
Marco Forti / contrabass
Dario Panza / drums

Soqquadro Italiano / Francesco Corbetta All’italiana
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger Giàrisi del mio mal
Gino Paoli Il cielo in una stanza
Enrico Radesca da Foggia Filli dolce pastorella
Alessandro Piccinini / Claudio Borgianni No words
Roberto Soffici Non credere
Barbara Strozzi Che si può fare?
Claudio Borgianni / Giovanni Croce / Santiago de Murcia La Tarantella de li denari
Paolo Limiti / Mario Nobile Viva lei
Claudio Monteverdi Sì dolce è ‘l tormento
Claudio Borgianni / Diego Ortiz 60’s Moon
Pietro Andrea Ziani Dormite oh pupille
Bruno Canfora Mi sei scoppiato dentro al cuore
Associazione Soqquadro Italiano
Address: Via Bruno Monterumici 3
40133 BOLOGNA (BO)
Telephone: +39 34701237262
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