I Bislacchi, a tribute to Fellini


I Bislacchi. Omaggio a Fellini was inspired by the universe of the great director Federico Fellini. The dancers re-evoke and re-invent images, scenes and characters from some of the great maestro’s films, accompanied by the famous melodies of Nino Rota.
The performance is characterized by an atmosphere full of poetry and emotion - but also of energy and vigor - in which dance and theatre mingle to recreate the spectacular world of Fellini.

 “Years after the death of this great artist, the wonderful of his colorful dream-world, his fantasy, poetry, intelligence, humor and his true and authentic characters are still intact… The typical settings of the visual universe of the director are re-evoked by a series of scenes in which dancer stir, with naivety and idealism as their main traits….”.
(Monica Casadei).

from 08/09/2017 to 08/09/2017
Conceived, choreographed and directed by Monica Casadei
Danceurs: Vittorio Colella, Melissa Cosseta, Gloria Dorliguzzo, Nicola Marrapodi, Sara Muccioli, Emanuele Serrecchia
Music: Nino Rota
Lights: Monica Casadei

GogolFest - Multidisciplinary International Festival of Contemporary Art
With the contribution of Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Emilia-Romagna Region Culture Department
Artemis Danza
Address: Borgo della Salnitrara, 10
43100 PARMA (PR)
Telephone: +39.0521.798282
Fax: +39.0521.798282
Email: info@artemisdanza.com
Web Site:http://www.artemisdanza.com/