Rip it up and start again


Maybe I should just take a walk, with no destination.
(Sam Shepard)

The idea of a new start, even without a precise destination, opposed to the requests of “brilliant” performance and hyper-efficiency imposed to the new generations, seems to us like a new way to bring back on the table some old-fashioned attitudes, like wasting time and getting on the way, wandering around marginal and unexplored areas to start again - Always with some kicking music in the ears!

We choose to give a decidedly musical mark to this new show-collective adventure because music often works as an effective predicting agent of greater changes, with respect to the fateful question which grips new generations at the end of a study course: What next?

Rip it up and start again (which could be a good answer) is as well the title of a book by Simon Reynolds about the musical phenomenon of Post-punk in the beginning of the 80s, the years of a generation which made an extreme, brilliant attempt to politically and artistically rise up. In this project, we start again from here, especially because the 15 actors were all born in the 90s, when Kurt Cobain sent out his last cry of alarm before committing suicide, confronting the evidence that everything had been absorbed – subsumed – by the “capitalist realism” (Mark Fisher, 2009), describing a “generation whose every move was anticipated, tracked, bought and sold before it had even happened”. Is it really so?

from 23/05/2019 to 26/05/2019 hour 19.30

Rip it up and start again

direction Enrico Casagrande e Daniela Nicolò
dramaturgy Daniela Nicolò
assistant director Jonas Lambelet
sound Enrico Casagrande
video and lights Simona Gallo

with the students of La Manufacture – Haute école des arts de la scène
Coline Bardin, Davide Brancato, Estelle Bridet, Arianna Camilli, Azelyne Cartigny, Guillaume Ceppi, Anastasia Fraysse, Aurélien Gschwind, Mathilde Invernon, Agathe Lecomte, Antonin Noël, Martin Reinartz, Elsa Thebault, Gwenaëlle Vaudin, Adèle Viéville

technical director Ian Lecoultre
production by La Manufacture – Haute école des arts de la scène with Motus
with the support of MiBACT, Regione Emilia-Romagna

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47923 RIMINI (RN)
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