"Japanese Fairy Tales" by Chiara Guidi


«Unlike the classic fairy tales of our tradition, the plot of the Japanese ones has no happy ending. At the end, only emptiness the ‘Vacuum’ remains, and the main character finds himself where the story began.
So, is nothing happening? Did really nothing happen?»

Chiara Guidi has chosen three fairy tales of the ancient Japanese tradition to create a performance in which children take part. Some of them are invited by her on the stage to do a specific work, laying on the ground, some others sitting in the stalls are stimulated through questions to a ‘philosophic’ dialogue interpolating the tales. So, all of them are involved in the performance and, guided by the narrator, they can experience the ‘laws’ of performing on stage just like they do with their plays, when they carry out with children of their own age the most profound ‘felling’ of reality.
While the narrator is telling, light emerges behind the transparent walls of the room, shadows appear, geometric coloured figures lie over, as hazy voices evoked by the stories.

from 17/11/2021 to 20/11/2021
Japanese Fairy Tales

concept Chiara Guidi
direction Chiara Guidi and Vito Matera
with Chiara Guidi
and with Francesco Dell’Accio, Francesca Di Serio, Vito Matera
original music by Giuseppe Ielasi, Enrico Malatesta, Natàn Santiago Lazala
costumes Francesca Di Serio
light design Giovanni Marocco
set design Vito Matera
prop, tecnique Carmen Castellucci, Eugenio Resta

organization: Elena de Pascale
production: Societas

photos: Nicolò Gialain

Address: Corte del Volontariato, 22
47521 CESENA (FC)
Telephone: +39 0547 25566
Fax: +39 0547 25560
Email: info@societas.es
Web Site:http://www.societas.es/