The wireless pioneer - Guglielmo Marconi 1874-1937

Emilia-Romagna Region Promotional Events

The documentary tells the life of one of the greatest inventors of our time: Guglielmo Marconi.
Actor Giorgio Comaschi, the narrator and "eyewitness" of an extraordinary life alternates some funny moments, fictionalized anecdotes and observations on the great inventor Bolognese to the chronicles of his life, disclosing the importance of his discoveries, which enable the audience of nowadays to have the mobile phones, the remote controls, the telepass and the satellite technology.
The director Enza Negroni mix theatrical drama, film technique and news reporting, showing to the folk memory the life and the real places of Marconi: the first discoveries and the early success, the moments of great suffering, the change of character and way of life, the international aspects, until arriving to the final Act.
The result reveals a different and unknown, more human Marconi, where, closed to the defects of ordinary men is evident, however, the genius of the greatest inventors of our era.


The wireless pioneer is released on the Italian Cultural Institute of Santiago channels as a tribute to Guglielmo Marconi on the anniversary of his death. A video contribute by the director accompanies the screening, besides a webinar by Enzo Chiarullo, journalist and expert of Marconi, and responsible for the organization of the Marconi Radio Days.

from 20/07/2020 to 20/07/2020

The wireless pioneer - Guglielmo Marconi 1874-1937

Director: Enza Negroni
Author: Giorgio Comaschi, Enza Negroni
with Giorgio Comaschi
and the partecipation of Alessandro Pilloni
Cinematography: Andrea Dalpian
Editing: Giusi Santoro
Music: Riccardo Nanni, Giancarlo Di Maria
Sound: Riccardo Nanni
Produced by POPCult in collaboration with:
Regione Emilia-Romagna, Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University
With the support of the National Comitee for the centenary of Guglielmo Marconi Nobel Prize
Distributor: Illégitime Défense
Italy, 2009
Format HD – Dur. 52’

Italian Cultural Institute in Santiago - vivere all'italiana - portal de información acerca del "estilo de vida italiano" en Chile
Edenrock di Enza Negroni
Address: Via De Rolandis 1
40126 BOLOGNA (BO)
Telephone: +39 051 0958356
Web Site: