"La Fellinette" by Francesca Fabbri Fellini


"Fellinette" is a young girl drawn on a page of a notebook in 1971 by Maestro Federico Fellini. She is the protagonist of this fairy tale which is set on the beach of Rimini on January 20, 2020, Centenary of birth of the great Maestro. We can experience a melancholic and wonderful adventure through the fervent childhood imagination of Fellinette. Dream- like atmospheres full of poetry, live action shots and animated parts celebrate the greatest director.

US premiere of the short film by Francesca Fabbri Fellini dedicated to her uncle Federico. Exclusive video introduction for the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles by the film director.

La Fellinette: Backstage

from 16/07/2021 to 22/07/2021 hour 13.00


Written and directed by Francesca Fabbri Fellini
Starring: Milena Vukotic, Ivano Marescotti, Sergio Bustric Carlo Truzzi, Federico Bassi, Gabriele Pagliarani
Animation by Studio Ibrido
Produced by Davide Montecchi
With the support of MiC and Emilia Romagna Film Commission

Special Prize 75 Nastri d’Argento


Organized by Laemmle Theaters
In collaboration with IIC Los Angeles
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles
Address: 1023 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024
Telephone: 310 4433250
Fax: 310 4433254
Email: desk.iicla@esteri.it
Web Site:http://iiclosangeles.esteri.it/iic_losangeles/it/