Illustrators for Gianni Rodari. Italian Excellence

Emilia-Romagna Region Promotional Events

The year 2020 has marked the centenary of the birth of Gianni Rodari -on October 23rd, 1920-, one of the most famous children’s authors worldwide. Fairy-tales, nursery-rhymes, poems, short stories, and novels composes his wide artistic production, besides his fundamental essay translated in many countries The Grammar of Fantasy, a milestone in pedagogical-literary culture, born working with children. The art of creating stories is an ever-present theme, like the arguments Rodari developed in his works are ever vivid. He was the first Italian to win the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award in 1970 and critics are unanimous in considering him one of the most innovative children’s authors.
The exhibition Illustrators for Gianni Rodari. Italian Excellence was conceived by Bologna Children’s Book Fair and Emilia-Romagna Region to celebrate this anniversary. Re-printed year after year, Rodari’s works continue to be re-interpreted by great illustrators. Following this trend, and in coherence with the exhibit Illustration for Youth: Italian Excellence, first set in 2015 and presented in more than 10 countries to great acclaim, a new edition with the works by Italian illustrators who have interpreted Rodari has been promoted.

Illustrators for Gianni Rodari is curated by the Cooperative Giannino Stoppani/Accademia Drosselmeier and present works by twenty-one Italian illustrators. Each illustrator is represented by three works, which are included in the catalogue published by Einaudi Ragazzi, holder of the world rights for Rodari’s writings.

Ranging from historic figures and famous contemporary artists to the younger generation, they are:
Bruno Munari  |  Emanuele Luzzati  |  Altan
Beatrice Alemagna  |  Gaia Stella  |  Olimpia Zagnoli
Manuel Fior  |  Alessandro Sanna  |  Valerio Vitali
Simona Mulazzani  |  Chiara Armellini  |  Anna Laura Cantone
Fulvio Testa  |  Maria Chiara Di Giorgio  |  Giulia Orecchia
Nicoletta Costa  |  Federico Maggioni  |  Francesca Ghermandi
Pia Valentinis  |  Vittoria Facchini  |  Elenia Beretta
from 23/11/2021 to 07/01/2022
Bologna Children’s Book Fair exhibition manager Elena Pasoli and illustrator Chiara Armellini will attend the opening of the exhibition.

Image: Altan, La gondola fantasma, Einaudi Ragazzi, 1994
Bologna Children’s Book Fair
Address: Piazza Costituzione, 6
40128 BOLOGNA (BO)
Telephone: + 39 051 282111 - 282966
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