Captain Fracasse


Young baron of Sigognac is the last descendant of a fallen noble family of Gascony. He lives in hardship and privation in the midst of the ruins of his castle. One stormy night, a company of comedians arrives at his home to seek refuge. The young man decides to join the theatrical troupe to reach Paris, his aim being also to be received at Court and restore his fortune. Along the way, among thousand vicissitudes, duels, loves and friendships, the baron himself becomes an actor, taking the stage name of Captain Fracasse.

Théophile Gautier’s novel is a timeless initiatory journey that takes us into 17th century France through the adventures of a theatre company. Italian and French film adaptations contributed to the creation of an original language which combines the Commedia dell’Arte with the tradition of swashbuckling novels. Without missing the comic-farcical dimension, Captain Fracasse oscillates between two registers, alternating comic jokes and dramatic scenes. Live music, expressly composed for the show, contributes to create the daring universe of the work.

from 11/03/2022 to 12/03/2022
Captain Fracasse
Or The Amazing Adventures of the Baron de Sigognac
based on the novel by Théophile Gautier

Directed by Massimo Macchiavelli
Music by Umberto Cavalli
With: Alice Amico, Jean Briault, Alessandra Cortesi, Luca Comastri, Massimo Macchiavelli, Luca Mazzamurro
Masks and props Luca Comastri and Ariane Bothe
Scenography Nicola Bruschi and Nicola Bruschi
Costumes Scissor Lab
Organization and press office Tania Passarini

March 11, 02:30 p.m.
March 12, 09:00 p.m.

Supported by: Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Ministero della Cultura, Fondazione del Monte, Mairie de Castres
Fraternal Compagnia APS
Address: Cava delle Arti, Via Cavazzoni, 2/g
40139 BOLOGNA (BO)
Telephone: +39 349 2970142
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