
concept, choreography and visuals Alessandro Carboni
performers Ana Luisa Novais Gomes and Sara Capanna
costumes DEM
music Danilo Casti
assistant Chiara Castaldini
organization Debora Ercoli
production Formati Sensibili 2018
with the contribution of TIR Danza
with the support of Città delle 100 Scale Festival, ATER - Circuito Regionale Multidisciplinare, Santarcangelo Dei Teatri, H(abita)T - Rete di Spazi per la Danza / Sementerie Artistiche, L’arboreto -Teatro Dimora in Mondaino

Performance selected by Aerowaves Twenty20

The Angular Distance of a Celestial Body is a transversal reflection on the cartographic process – seen as “the reduced representation of the Earth’s surface, as well as of the events that are observed and occur on it” – where the graphic sign used on maps is replaced by the body in the attempt to critically claim back the complexity of the world, thus declaring the impossibility to reduce it. On the floor, a geometric modular structure counterposes the vertical tension of two symmetrical, specular – but never identical – bodies with no identity, nor gender. At the same time, it’s their projection on the horizontal plane to symbolize the constant aim for an ideal control of the world and its actual impracticability. The “fragmented” costumes that wrap the bodies tell us about the chaos that rules our world and the lack of continuity between the objects. They are disguises of a metaphorical carnival aimed at deconstructing the established order of things to investigate unstructured forms of discourse and make them visible through the ritual act of representation. The sound follows and leads the actions, scans the internal rhythmics of movement, outlines a variable horizon, thus relating the numeric – cartographic – dimension of the world to an archetypical, organic, analogue landscape that describes and measures the world without contemplating numbers. The performance condenses on stage the last ten years of Alessandro Carboni’s artistic research and marks the transition from the unpredictability experienced by the artists during his fieldwork in urban spaces to the defined structure of the choreographic score, from the process to representation. It is an imaginative tale about the potential of artistic creation, capable to question our categories of thought to broaden our horizons towards new perceptions of reality. It is a declaration of uncertainty that becomes a possibility.

from 09/04/2022 to 09/04/2022 hour 19.00
TIR DANZA Associazione Teatrale
Address: Via Emilia Est 697/C
41122 MODENA (MO)
Telephone: 059.375553
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