Context / Solo


within FITS - Sibiu International Theatre Festival

Context investigates the idea of context as the set of circumstances that define an event: a reflection on the relationship between the elements that constitute it and the same conditions that generated it.
The starting point is the geometric figure of the triangle, intended as the primary unit of the subdivision of space. These triangular units form a web that becomes a narrative, aesthetic and performative model that invites the contemplation of seriality, of rhythm, of incompleteness.
The intent is to operate a geometric and discrete approximation of space that will allow us to observe the triangle as a reductive and expansive unit at the same time. Triangles build abstract worlds interwoven as geometric and discrete approximation of space, like an interconnecting mobile “mesh” in which infinite relationships create continuous ramification.

promo video

from 29/06/2022 to 29/06/2022 hour 17.00

Choreography by  Alessandro Carboni
Visual conception, choreography, lights and scene  Alessandro Carboni
Performer  Sara Capanna
Choreography assistance  Ana Luisa Novais
Original music  Danilo Casti
Administration  Chiara Castaldini
Production  Formati Sensibili 2019-2021, with the support of TIR Danza
Coproduction  CapoTrave/Kilowatt in the frameworks of BeSpectACTive with three artistic residencies at Bakelit Multi Art Center (Budapest), Domino (Zagreb), Divadelna Nitra (Nitra), with the support of Creative Europe
Supported by  Centro di Residenza Emilia-Romagna (L’arboreto - Teatro Dimora, La Corte Ospitale), Amina_project/369gradi, h(abita)t – Rete di Spazi per la Danza /QB/ Sementerie Artistiche.

Alessandro Carboni / Formati Sensibili
Address: via Reggiani 8
40054 BUDRIO (BO)
Telephone: +393395644608
Web Site: