
“choral action” by Marco Martinelli

The universality of Dante's narration speaks to everyone and at any latitude. We all know, from our own experience, what it means feeling lost in the "forest", in the quicksand of our anguish, about to drown, when a taste of death makes our lips sour. Up to here, it is everyone's experience, and Dante takes us by the hand and whispers to us me too, a pilgrim, me too an exile, me too lost along the way, like you.
Let’s put aside the rhetoric of the Sommo Poeta, the Father of Italian Language and Literature, let’s put aside the intimidating ‘Monument’. Dante is all of that, of course, and the Comedy is Divine because it is an immense novel, it is cinema, psychoanalysis, speleology, theatre, stunning alchemy of chanting and art, but, first, Dante is the man who reveals himself, he confesses to us: “I find myself”, he is the brother, the mortally wounded who indicates the fragile path of "our life", everyone’s life. But right there, in that darkness, where the curtain seems to fall forever, right there you can find the strength to make a jump, there is the Unpredictable, the Good, there, – the poet whispers in our ear: “il ben ch’io vi trovai” –, from there we will be able to embark on the journey that will ferry us from darkness to light. Paradise is already in that first step out of darkness. (...) For this "choral action" we will work on the first two cantos of Inferno, to which we will mix poetic fragments by Emily Dickinson, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Walt Whitman, and other poets of 'the poets’ Purgatory' constellation.
Marco Martinelli

from 28/09/2022 to 02/10/2022
The workshop is scheduled:
on September 28 and 29 at the Hall Casacuberta
on October 1 and 2 at the Hall Alfredo Alcón.
Final performance open to the public on October 2, 06:00 pm, at the Hall Alfredo Alcón.

The workshop is held on the occasion of the staging of the show fedeli d’Amore at the Teatro San Martín CTBA on September 30 - October 5.

The events are part of Marco Martinelli’s and Ermanna Montanari’s "Dante in the five continents" project, included in the "DANTE 700 in the World" celebration programme and produced by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) with the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Municipality of Ravenna, and the Dante Celebrations Committee.
The stage in Argentina is organized by the Italian Cultural Institute in Buenos Aires, the Teatro Coliseo, and the Complejo Teatral di Buenos Aires (CTBA)/Teatro San Martín within the ITALIAXXI project, with the support of the Embassy of Italy in Buenos Aires, the MAECI, Emilia-Romagna Region and ATER Fondazione.
Teatro delle Albe /Ravenna Teatro
Address: via di Roma 39
48100 RAVENNA (RA)
Telephone: +39 0544 36239
Fax: +39 0544 33303
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