

is a live-media performance about a journey throughout a sequence of digital landscapes where the perception of space and time is altered.
Throughout this journey, the performer’s experience is deeply interconnected to everything in the world surrounding her. In order to represent this concept of interdependence, a system has been created which processes real-time data from biometric and movement sensors (worn by the performer and placed on the stage) together with data coming from social networks. These data contribute to modify both the digital landscapes and the soundscapes of the performance. Every time the performance is staged, the system analyzes in real time the messages that people from all over the world share on social networks, inferring the emotional state through a sentiment analysis algorithm. These data, together with the performer’s biometric data, make the performance different every time it is staged.
watch all on fuse* website

from 14/12/2022 to 14/12/2022 hour 19.00

Production: fuse*
Direction and Executive Production: Mattia Carretti, Luca Camellini
Concept: Mattia Carretti
Performer, Choreographer: Elena Annovi
Software Supervision: Luca Camellini
Software: Paolo Bonacini, Matteo Mestucci, Samuel Pietri
Sound Design: Riccardo Bazzoni
Hardware Engineering: Matteo Mestucci
Production Manager: Filippo Aldovini
Support for Concept Development: Giulia Caselli
Scientific Consultant: Margherita Carretti
Collaborators: Mark van de Korput, Clizia Welker, Enrico Viola
Light Design: Marcello Marchi
Video Report: Matteo Torsani
Photo Report: Enrico Maria Bertani, Emmanuele Coltellacci
In collaboration with La Corte Ospitale - Progetto residenziale 2016

The performance is one of the two works fuse* art studio presents at the Yokohama Dance Collection festival.
With the support of the Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo.
Address: Via Nuova 9
Email: info@fuseworks.it
Web Site:http://www.fuseworks.it/