

Poems and war chronicles

My biography is blood and flesh, not entertainment. I am one, but we are thousands. Indestructible and broken. (Faruk Šehic)

Brothers is a document on war in its broadest sense. At the centre are the writings by Faruk Šehic, soldier-poet, one of the most representative poetic and narrative voices of the former Yugoslavia and of the war in the Balkans. He will guide us as a new Odysseus through the folds and wounds of the conflicts du siècle bref, the century of light but also of genocides, through which to be witnesses free from conditioning on what is still happening today.
"History as never taught anything intelligent and what I know for sure is that history repeats itself. Slaughterhouse nations repeat themselves, mass murders, concentration camp are just a refrain, a macabre chanson that is repeated every time". These are the poet’s bitter words – himself a victim, who loads the pain of war upon himself.
What we have staged is not a show. There is nothing spectacular. What will take place is a meeting between those who know and those who have the right to listen to.
But the word alone is not enough. Understanding is not achieved by just listening. Movies and images are projected, during which the audience will come in contact with elements, with objects that embody the meaning of war.

The performance is on stage at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
from 06/08/2023 to 13/08/2023 hour 14.30


Script by Faruk Šehic
Directed by Gian Paolo Mai
With Gian Paolo Mai e Francesca Corba
and with Luigi Tani, Daniela Di Bitonto, Amedeo D'Amico, Giovanni Solinas, Enrico Manes Gravina, Riccardo De Felici, Gaia Babbi, Alessandro Corte, Emmanuela Ambrosino, Andrea Marinelli, Matilde Paci, Francesco Bruno Mai
Lights Walter Brunetti
Original music Cristian Nevola
Director’s assistant Andrea Marinelli
Produced by Cesena Film Academy

Associazione culturale Cesena Film Academy APS
Address: Viale Giosuè Carducci 11
47521 CESENA (FC)
Telephone: +39 3338260624
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