"The years" by Marco D'Agostin


within Cádiz En Danza International Festival
Her life could be depicted by two perpendicular axes, on the horizontal one everything that happened to her, she saw, she heard at every moment, on the vertical one only a few images, sinking into the night.” (A. Ernaux, The Years)

Someone has written that there is an unbridgeable distance between what once happened and the way it appears to us now, cloaked in a strange unreality. The choreography of The Years is built to attempt to mend this rip: the incandescent story of an individual – Marta Ciappina, a unique performer in terms of artistic itinerary and technical peculiarities on the Italian dance scene – invites the spectators to play with their own memory. Marta’s body and the eyes of those watching her embark on a journey that shuttles between the present – the moment of the performance, an unrepeatable romantic encounter – and everyone’s past, in a web of comings and goings that blurs stories, songs and memories. The shadow of a novel stretches slowly over stage and audience: the invitation is to write it together, a hundred-handed work that exhorts us to cross the ruins looking upwards.

from 13/06/2023 to 13/06/2023 hour 21.00

The years
created by
Marco D’Agostin
with Marta Ciappina
soundscore and graphics Luca Scapellato
lights Paolo Tizianel
conversations Claudio Cirri, Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli, Paolo Ruffini
video editing Alice Brazzit
scenography Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa
produced by VAN
co-produced by Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni e Fondazione CR Firenze, ERT / Teatro Nazionale, Piccolo Teatro di Milano | Teatro d’Europa, Fondazione I Teatri Reggio Emilia / Festival Aperto; Snaporazverein
supported by L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale ::: Centro di Residenza Emilia-Romagna; CSC / OperaEstate Festival Veneto; Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Colonia / MiC-General direction of performing arts and tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf, as part of the NID international residencies program
year 2022
duration 55′

Festival Internacional Cádiz En Danza
with the support of: MiC -DG Spettacolo, Programma Tempi di Danza, Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid, Emilia-Romagna Region and ATER Fondazione.

Marco D'Agostin is part of VAN, dance production centre supported by MiC- Italian Ministry of Culture, Emilia-Romagna Region, ATER Fondazione
Associazione Culturale VAN
Address: Via Santa Croce 5/A
40122 BOLOGNA (BO)
Email: info@associazioneculturalevan.it
Web Site:http://www.associazioneculturalevan.it/