Paccottiglia delux


within Zirkustheater Festival

They say there will be a package! But not some simple “Paccottiglia” (junk). A show lacking in seriousness set in a parody of the circus world, starring Frank Duro & Gustavo Leumann, two authentic rogues.
Lapping around the circus-ring, in an attempt to set up their show, they try by all means to take centre stage and earn the public acclaim. In their hands and on their shoulders, a circus without the tent, where they challenge each other with tricks bordering on ridicule at the cost of bullying each other, among showers of popcorn, eccentric acrobatics, improbable animals, indomitable bags and wigs. A speechless show of pure physical theatre and non-verbal comicality that will make people talk about it!

The Zirkustheater Festival also hosts two more shows by Teatro Necessario: Nuova Barberia Carloni and Clown in libertà.

from 08/06/2023 to 09/06/2023 hour 20.00

High Class Charlatany!

By and with Alessandro Galletti and Francesco Garuti
Direction consultant: Daniele Lele Villari
Light design: Luca Carbone
Set design and costumes: Circo Pacco
Production: Circo Pacco
Coproduction: Teatro Necessario Circo - Centro di Produzione di Circo Contemporaneo
in collaboration with: Atelier Teatro Fisico Spazio Non C’è Officine Creative Torino

Zirkustheater Festival
with the support of Emilia-Romagna Region and ATER Fondazione
Teatro Necessario
Address: Strada Provinciale per Torrile 10
43052 COLORNO (PR)
Telephone: 328.3926956
Web Site: