Two audiovisual installations for the Zeiss-Großplanetarium in Berlin


Luna Somnium .dome
The title of the work draws inspiration from what is considered the first work of science fiction ever written: the "Somnium" (the dream), a short story written by John Kepler in 1600 where the reader follows the protagonist’s journey when he slips into a dream and travels to the moon. There, he meets its inhabitants and observes a different sky, one that defies common sense: one of the subtle intentions of the story was, in fact, convincing the supporters of the geocentric theory of the opposite, namely the Copernican heliocentric system. The moon thus becomes the place from which it is possible to observe the Earth, or reality, from a novel point of view that challenges beliefs and certainties, stimulating a transition to a new way of perceiving and experiencing the world. Just like in Kepler’s tale, the exploration of reality from diverse viewpoints is at the core of the installation, which urges visitors to think about how a slight shift can affect their perception of reality.
In its original form, Luna Somnium was a site-specific installation and audiovisual experience conceived for the Gazometro in Rome, the biggest gasometer in Europe. The work featured a 18-meter, 360° projected sphere suspended inside the metal structure of the gasometer and designed to be visible from different locations around the city. In the adaptation premiered at the Zeiss-Großplanetarium in Berlin, the dome becomes the surface of the sphere and the eye moves inside the moon for a completely new experience.
watch Luna Somnium .dome on fuse* website

Multiverse is an audiovisual installation that explores the evolution of infinite possible universes through the use of generative graphics and sounds. The work lays its foundations on Lee Smolin’s theory - observing that our universe is only one in a much larger cosmos (the Multiverse), a member of a growing community of universes, each one being born from the collapse following the formation of a black hole. The work evolves through the creation of a succession of digital paintings, attempting to represent the eternal birth and death of infinite parallel universes.
The original form of Multiverse aims to heighten the perception of reality by giving the impression that the installation is going beyond the physical space: the dome is the perfect fit to keep exploring this direction. After two studies presented in Taiwan (2020) and Mexico (2022), Multiverse .dome is premiered in its final form at the Zeiss-Großplanetarium in Berlin.
watch Multiverse .dom on fuse* website


from 25/06/2023 to 25/06/2023 hour 20.00
Luna Somnium .dome
Artistic Direction: Mattia Carretti, Luca Camellini
Concept: Mattia Carretti, Luca Camellini, Samuel Pietri, Riccardo Bazzoni
Software artists: Luca Camellini, Samuel Pietri, Riccardo Bazzoni, Giovanni Checchia
Sound design: Riccardo Bazzoni
Light design: Daniele Davino
Photos: Emmanuele Coltellacci, Cosimo Trimboli

Production: fuse*
Art Direction, Executive Production: Mattia Carretti, Luca Camellini
Concept: Mattia Carretti, Luca Camellini, Samuel Pietri, Riccardo Bazzoni
Software Artists: Luca Camellini, Samuel Pietri
Sound Design: Riccardo Bazzoni
Address: Via Nuova 9
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