
within FIAMS - Festival international des arts de la marionnette

"Nothing exists, we are only dreaming."

Antonio Tabucchi

The lady of Porto Pim was a magical, sensuous and enigmatic creature who stole the soul of a whaler and made a musician of him; until his assassin instinct, to redeem the foreseen betrayal, the foretold defeat, demanded a tribute of blood which led to her death. An ultimate wreckage, of a whaler and a whale who mocked whoever dreamt of imprisoning her. As for love, it is for art.
It is the author himself, in the guise of the actor - manipulator, who accompanies us in this story of love and death, of dream and reality, in this brief journey into the mystery of the human soul. He is the singer of this epic of the soul who presents his own testimony of events through words and actions creating shadows, real and imaginary, metaphors of shipwrecks and castaways, who commit unsuccessful acts and failed lives. A very stark stage, a table, a chair and a wall that doubles as a screen, will host an array of shadows manipulated in front and behind the screen, brought to life by the actor’s hands. Clay, sand, wood and water are some of the materials with which we will strive to give form to the carnal and at the same time impalpable characters of this story. With this pièce, Teatro Gioco Vita is trying to develop its search for a modern dalang, a “would be” actor - manipulator of contemporary shadow theatre true to our theatrical and cultural tradition.

from 28/07/2023 to 29/07/2023 hour 21.00
Technical Card (pdf, 82 kb)
Lady of Porto Pim
Ballad for actors and shadows
Based on the short story The woman of Porto Pim by Antonio Tabucchi
A project by Tiziano Ferrari and Fabrizio Montecchi
with Tiziano Ferrari
adaptation, direction and set design Fabrizio Montecchi
props and shadows puppets Nicoletta Garioni
lights Davide Rigodanza
a coproduction by Teatro Gioco Vita - Teatro Stabile di Innovazione, Festival "L'altra scena", Theatre de Bourg-en-Bresse
Teatro Gioco Vita
Address: Via San Siro, 9
Telephone: +39 0523 332613
Fax: +39 0523 338428
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