"Cross the line"


Line. Limit. Border. Conflict.

When does a line become a limit?
What does mean crossing that limit?
What does mean crossing that line?
Can the line be a protection?
Can we see the limits around us?
Are the external constructions reflected within us?
The walls outside are repeated inside?
Go beyond. Go over. Cross.
Language. Religion. Skin. Gender. Origin. Family. Age. Social identity. Dreams. Chance.
There is always a line close to us.
We walk alongside it, and we often cross it, it tells us when to stop and reminds us where we are going.
There are new and old architectures which draw up our cities like natural borders which unite and separate since always.
There are physical lines, visible and clear to everyone, and there's the imaginary ones, which nobody has ever seen, but which are just as clear.
There are lines which move in space and those which travel in time.
There are interior lines, limits more or less surmountable hidden inside ourselves.
There is always Here and Beyond. There’s always Me and You.
On this side is Me.
My space, my things, my way of being and acting.
On this side it’s my world.
Beyond the line it’s You.
To Cross the Line means to choose.

Cross the Line is a research project for young audience. It was created thanks to the work of more than 500 teens, aged between 12 and 17, who participated in the research developed in Italy and France from 2021 to 2023. This show is dedicated to them.

On stage within the festival Departure Lounge 2023.

from 06/07/2023 to 07/07/2023

project compagnia rodisio
by Manuela Capece and Davide Doro
with Salvatore Alfano and Gaia Barili
artistic collaboration Jon Beney
lights and sound Silvia Baiocchi
production assistant Silvia Ricciardi
production Elsinor Centro di Produzione Teatrale | Derby Theatre
within the European project ConnectUp
in collaboration with Teatro Comunale di Casalmaggiore and Teatro delle Briciole Solares Fondazione delle Arti

July 6 at 7:30pm
July 7 at 9 am

Festival Departure Lounge 2023  /  Derby Theatre
The festival and Derby Theatre are partners of the European project Connect Up.
Elsinor Società Coop. Sociale
Address: Viale Amerigo Vespucci 13
47122 FORLI' (FC)
Telephone: +39 0543.722456
Email: teatrotestori@elsinor.net
Web Site:http://www.elsinor.net