NON SENTIRE IL MALE (Feeling no Pain)


in memory of Eleonora Duse

conceived, directed, and performed by Elena Bucci
original music performed live on the piano by Andrea Agostini
sound engineer Raffaele Bassetti
production Le belle bandiere
supported by Emilia Romagna Region, Municipality of Russi

With Non sentire il male Elena Bucci pays homage to Eleonora Duse (1858-1924), an actress, a director, and a manager who transformed the theatrical scene of her time. The intense monologue that Bucci performs, with live piano accompaniment by Maestro Andrea Agostini, follows the life, the loves, and the art of the Divina Eleonora, sketching the portrait of an extraordinary woman and artist. Glimpses, fragments of life, to the very crucial point in Duse’s existence: that time of absolute freedom when the actress, replaced in the play La figlia di Iorio because of her illness, rehearses all the roles before her friend, writer Matilde Serao.

more about the text, photos, images: (IT)

from 15/02/2024 to 15/02/2024 hour 19.00
Elena Bucci
Actress, author, director. She studied with Leo de Berardinis, and then founded and led the company Le belle bandiere with Marco Sgrosso. Nowadays, she directs and interprets classical and contemporary texts, writes original dramaturgies often with live music. Elena builds projects in which connects artists from different disciplines, from music to cinema, creating a dialogue, which reopens spaces of memory, art and forgotten theatres to the audience. Among the awards: Ubu Prize for the interpretations of her dramaturgies and direction, Ubu Prize for the work with Claudio Morganti, Duse Prize, Hystrio Prize - ANCT National Theatre Critics Association, Hystrio Altre Muse Prize, Emilia Romagna Festival Prize, Le Maschere Prize Theater, Viviani Award.
Le Belle Bandiere Associazione culturale
Address: via Faentina Nord 4/1
48026 RUSSI (RA)
Telephone: +39 393 9535376
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