"Penthesilea" at the TESZT Festival in Timisoara


Against the backdrop of the Trojan War, two figures - a man and a woman, challenge each other to a duel and fall in love with each other. The two characters are Achilles, the most valiant of the Greek heroes, a figure with bull-like, warlike virility, strong neck, shoulders and arms shining with metal, and Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons, she who loves peace but causes torment, half fury and half grace.

Penthesilea is a one-act play for two stilt walkers, two beings who are halfway between human and animal, it is the story of a clash between warriors who come to desire the death of the other due to too much love. The stage game unfolds through a continuous counterpoint of dynamic actions and sounds punctuated by two large medieval drums played live, to mark the time and the gallop, of the assaults and escapes, abandonments and furies that follow one another impetuously until leaving the place to the great final silence.

from 21/05/2024 to 22/05/2024 hour 18.00

Street theater show
with Antonio Santangelo, Francesca Figini
Live music: Igino L. Caselgrandi
Set design and costumes: Emanuela Dall'Aglio. Assistant: Veronica Pastorino
Direction and dramaturgy: Stefano Tè
Direction and dramaturgy consultant: Mario Barzaghi
A Teatro dei Venti production

Teatro dei Venti e.p.s.
Address: Via San Giovanni Bosco, 150
41121 MODENA (MO)
Telephone: +39 059 7114312
Email: organizzazione@teatrodeiventi.it
Web Site:http://www.teatrodeiventi.it