"Waiting for Godot" directed by Theodoros Terzopoulos at the Wuzhen Theatre Festival


by Samuel Beckett
copyright Editions de Minuit
Italian translation Carlo Fruttero
direction, set, lights and costumes: Theodoros Terzopoulos
with (in a.o.): Paolo Musio, Stefano Randisi, Enzo Vetrano
and Giulio Germano Cervi, Rocco Ancarola
dramaturgical advice and assistant director: Michalis Traitsis
acting training - Terzopoulos Method: Giulio Germano Cervi
set realized in: ERT scenography studio
head of scenography studio and carpenter: Gioacchino Gramolini
carpenters: Davide Lago, Sergio Puzzo, Veronica Sbrancia, Leandro Spadola
set decorators: Ludovica Sitti with Sarah Menichini, Benedetta Monetti, Martina Perrone, Bianca Passanti
design led: Roberto Riccò
technical director: Massimo Gianaroli
stage manager: Gianluca Bolla
stagehand and props: Eugenia Carro
head electrician: Antonio Rinaldi
sound technician: Paolo Vicenzi
wardrobe: Carola Tesolin
production: Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale, Fondazione Teatro di Napoli – Teatro Bellini
in collaboration with: Attis Theatre Company
photos by Johanna Weber
from 20/10/2023 to 21/10/2023 hour 22.00
ERT has entrusted the Greek director Theodoros Terzopoulos with the direction of Beckett’s most famous work: in the hands of Terzopoulos, Waiting for Godot becomes one lens to decipher the Other who, inside and outside of us, summons opposites: animal longing and divine tension, madness and dream, delirium and nightmare. A show that questions our own humanity.

About Waiting for Godot
by Theodoros Terzopoulos

Our performance of Waiting for Godot will be set on “the ruins of the world”, in a future more or less close to us, where all the present and the past wounds will be kept open. The same for the expectations… At this borderline of human existence, what are the minimum possible conditions for restarting life, a life that is worth living? In Waiting for Godot there are two possible answers and there we intend to support our work: The first is the effort to communicate and coexist with the Other, the one who is before us, despite of any obstacles, even when these seem formidable! The second is the effort to communicate with the Other inside us, this inscrutable and dark area of repressed desires and fears, forgotten senses and instincts, the region of the animal and the divine, where madness and dream, delirium and nightmare are born. This is the journey we will try to make: towards the Other inside us and towards the Other outside, opposite, away from us. This is the journey we try to do every day. Waiting for what? The Redemption of life from the shackles of death? The meeting with the Human, the end of every humiliation of human by human? The Nothing or the Waiting, as Beckett derisively says? But is there another way to envisage the emancipated human, without breaking down the walls that separate this “inside” from this “outside”?

The show is one of the “Specially Invited Plays” at the Wuzhen Theatre Festival 2023.

E.R.T. - Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
Address: Via Carlo Sigonio, 50/4
41124 MODENA (MO)
Telephone: +39 059.2136011
Fax: +39.059.2138252
Email: info@emiliaromagnateatro.com
Web Site:http://www.emiliaromagnateatro.com/