Alle Armi


within the George Town Festival

direction Riccardo Reina
light design Gianni Staropoli
with Angela Forti, Agata Garbuio, Riccardo Reina, Aron Tewelde
production Teatro Metastasio di Prato and Associazione Culturale Malerba (2023)

Image and object theatre, without words, for adult audience (14+)

A ball masked and armed to the teeth. An irreverent musical on the razor's edge. A toy weapon for playing war. And, finally, the desert. A miniature desert. A waiting room desert. A shopping centre, pretend desert, closed up in a box: a children desert, a toy desert.
Alle Armi does not speak of this or other wars. Alle Armi is an experiment. The attempt to focus on the political and economic issue of the international arms market, which, concerns us closely as European and Western countries and which, during the conception of this show, has become dramatically current. And it tries to do it through toys’ lens, contaminating techniques and codes in search of a meeting point between civil and objects theatre. More than a title, ‘Alle Armi’ is a formula: a declaration of intent, and at the same time a cry of alarm. And perhaps also an exhortation, an appeal. To take up arms, of course: but which ones?

from 26/07/2024 to 28/07/2024 hour 20.30

Hombre Collettivo was born in the context of the professional training project for the languages and techniques of puppet theater ‘Animateria’ 2019, promoted by Teatro Gioco Vita - Teatro delle Briciole - Teatro del Drago. The group, composed by Angela Forti (manager and performer, 1998), Agata Garbuio (performer, 1988), Riccardo Reina (director, technician, performer, 1986), and Aron Tewelde (performer, 1996), was formed around the performance project for shadow theatre and object theatre Le Città Indicibili, selected by Progetto Cantiere 2019. With their first show, Casa Nostra (Our Home), they won the Scenario Infanzia Award in 2020 and the Direction Under30 Critics Award in 2021. In 2023 they premiered with Alle Armi, produced by Teatro Metastasio in Prato.

George Town Festival
A special thanks to the Embassy of Italy in Kuala Lumpur.
Compagnia Hombre Collettivo - Associazione Culturale Malerba
Address: Via del Conservatorio 1
43121 PARMA (PR)
Web Site:http://