The new show 'Don Quixote' at the FITS - Sibiu International Theatre Festival


Reinterpreting Don Quixote today, through Teatro dei Venti’s poetics, highlights the possibility of continuing to act in the world in a choral way. Awakening the power of each person, so that they can continue to fight injustice, open up to wonder, take care of fragilities. Together with the wonder created by the typical tools of street theatre – stilts, live music, theatrical machines – we have made an atypical addition to this tradition: the poetic word. What we undertake together in the streets and squares is a dreamlike journey that urges us back to return to the roots of our desires. What Don Quixote fights for, which is also reverberating in Sancho, is the possibility of not giving up, of not getting used to evil, keeping an eye to a future that needs all our present awareness.

Concept, direction and dramaturgy  Stefano Tè
With  Alessandro Berardi Oxana Casolari, Francesca Figini, Davide Filippi, Esther Grigoli, Alice Mascolo, Antonio Santangelo, Christian Sidoti, Cesare Trebeschi, Francesco Valli
Music  Igino L. Caselgrandi, Pietro Colliva, Diego Lancellotti, Nicola Raccanelli
Texts  Azzurra D'Agostino. Translation by  Johanna Bishop
Stage Machines  Dino Serra, in collaboration with Paolo Romanini, Emanuela Savi, Chiara Pettenati
Costumes and set design  Maria Scarano - Atelier Polvere di Stelle
Artistic consultant  Mario Barzaghi
Sound design  Luigi Pascale, Tonino La Distruzione, Nicola Raccanelli. Sound technician  Nicola Raccanelli
Assistant director  Francesco Cervellino
Sketches costumes and theatrical machines by  F.M., inmate of Casa di Reclusione di Castelfranco Emilia, within the European project AHOS All Hands on Stage
Production  Teatro dei Venti
In co-production with  Solares Fondazione delle Arti Teatro delle Briciole
With the support of  Italian Ministry of Culture, Emilia-Romagna Region and Caracò

from 29/06/2024 to 30/06/2024 hour 19.00
Don Quixote is a performance for urban spaces freely based on the Spanish literary masterpiece by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. As in the novel, the protagonist is Alonso Quixano who, after getting lost in his adventure novels, becomes convinced that he is a knight errant. He then leaves the poor region of La Mancha, where he lives, and sets out as a protector of justice and peace, in defence of the oppressed and the highest values.
At his side appears from the start, acting as his squire, Sancho Panza, a ‘fool’ who sets out on his donkey chasing the promise of future wealth, the promise of lands of which he will be governor.
The performance’s dramaturgy does not chronologically follow the succession of events in the novel, but combines a punctuation of different times and places to build a character portrait suitable for theatre in urban spaces. This story is told by a Narrator who, together with his assistant, will beat the time of the progression of the scenes and guide the spectators through the utopian journey of the two protagonists.
As in the novel, all of Quixote's actions will prove to be failures, clashing with the rigid grids of a pitiless reality with no way out. Step by step, defeat after defeat, we witness the gradual sinking of Don Quixote into despair. The dream that made him set out on his journey dies in him.
Sancho will be the one who, although sceptical at the beginning of the story, will always remain at Don Quixote's side and will allow himself to be persuaded by his ideals and his nobility of spirit, he will pick up his spiritual legacy, and with a touching final monologue addressed to the audience, he will invite the spectators not to give up and to believe that, united in the search for true justice, a change is possible.
Teatro dei Venti e.p.s.
Address: Via San Giovanni Bosco, 150
41121 MODENA (MO)
Telephone: +39 059 7114312
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