
choreography  Simona Bertozzi
music and musical direction  Meike Clarelli
with  Ester Balassini, Adriana Bernardi, Arianna Brugiolo, Luana Checchia, Federica D'Aversa, Paola Drera, Valentina Foschi, Erika Morri, Elisa Tinti, Marieva Vivarelli, Carolina Yerovi
production  Nexus Factory

A choral performance inspired by the famous mosaic from the fourth-century Villa Romana del Casale (Piazza Armerina, province of Enna) that depicts young sportswomen in two-piece dresses. Just as the work shows ten women each engaged in a different activity, the show Athletes brings together and interacts with an eclectic group of dancers, sportswomen and former competitive champions with women of all ages and backgrounds.

from 27/06/2024 to 27/06/2024
The performance is part of «Passions Olympiques», a cycle of theatre and dance shows, concerts, screenings, meetings and exhibitions which explores the relationship between different artistic disciplines and sport organized by the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris on the occasion of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Scheduled at 7 pm and at 8:30 pm.
Compagnia Simona Bertozzi / Ass. Cult. Nexus
Address: Via A. Fleming 6
40141 BOLOGNA (BO)
Telephone: +39 338 103 9421
Fax: +39 051 9910081
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